Over and over again: periodic tasks in Linux

It is very common for real-time applications to have tasks that need to run periodically, for example to scan inputs or to generate regular outputs. A crude solution is to use a processing loop with a sleep at the end, but the periodicity will vary as the execution time varies. To create accurate periodic tasks you need to use timers. In this article I will show how timers work in Linux, especially with regard to multi-threaded applications.

Linux has several different timer interfaces, acquired over many years. Which to use depends on the versions of the kernel and C library you have. If you are using GNU libc 2.8 and kernel 2.6.25 or later, the timerfd interface is the best. If you are using GNU libc 2.3 and any version of the 2.6 kernel, the POSIX timers interface works well. If you are using uClibc you should use setitimer. I have examples of all three below.

In the examples I have separated out the timer code into two functions, make_periodic and wait_period:

struct periodic_info
	/* Opaque data */

int make_periodic (unsigned int period, struct periodic_info *info);
void wait_period (struct periodic_info *info);

You call make_periodic at the start of the thread giving the period in microseconds and then call wait_period when execution is complete. This is inspired by RTAI [1] which has functions rt_task_make_periodic and rt_task_wait_period to do the same thing. To show you what I mean, here is an example of a thread with a period of 10 ms:

void *thread_1 (void *arg)
	struct periodic_info info;

	make_periodic (10000, &info);
	while (1)
		/* Do useful work */
		wait_period (&info);
	return NULL;

Using timerfd

The timerfd interface is a Linux-specific set of functions that present POSIX timers as file descriptors (hence the fd) rather than signals thus avoiding all that tedious messing about with signal handlers. It was first implemented in GNU libc 2.8 and kernel 2.6.25: if you have them I highly recommend this approach.

You create a timer by calling timerfd_create() giving the POSIX clock id CLOCK_REALTIME or CLOCK_MONOTONIC. For periodic timers such as we are creating it does not matter which you choose. For absolute timers the expiry time is changed if the system clock is changed and the clock is CLOCK_REALTIME. In almost all cases, CLOCK_MONOTONIC is the one to use. timerfd_create returns a file descriptor for the timer.

To set the timer running, call timerfd_settime() giving flag = TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME for an absolute timer or 0 for relative, as we want here, and the period in seconds and nanoseconds. To wait for the timer to expire, read from its file descriptor. It always returns an unsigned long long (8 byte unsigned integer) representing the number of timer events since the last read, which should be one if all is going well. If it is more than one then some events have been missed. In my example below I keep a record in "wakeups_missed".


struct periodic_info
	int timer_fd;
	unsigned long long wakeups_missed;

static int make_periodic (unsigned int period, struct periodic_info *info)
	int ret;
	unsigned int ns;
	unsigned int sec;
	int fd;
	struct itimerspec itval;

	/* Create the timer */
	fd = timerfd_create (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
	info->wakeups_missed = 0;
	info->timer_fd = fd;
	if (fd == -1)
		return fd;

	/* Make the timer periodic */
	sec = period/1000000;
	ns = (period - (sec * 1000000)) * 1000;
	itval.it_interval.tv_sec = sec;
	itval.it_interval.tv_nsec = ns;
	itval.it_value.tv_sec = sec;
	itval.it_value.tv_nsec = ns;
	ret = timerfd_settime (fd, 0, &itval, NULL);
	return ret;

static void wait_period (struct periodic_info *info)
	unsigned long long missed;
	int ret;

	/* Wait for the next timer event. If we have missed any the
	   number is written to "missed" */
	ret = read (info->timer_fd, &missed, sizeof (missed));
	if (ret == -1)
		perror ("read timer");

	/* "missed" should always be >= 1, but just to be sure, check it is not 0 anyway */
	if (missed > 0)
		info->wakeups_missed += (missed - 1);

Using POSIX timers

If your glibc or kernel doesn't support timerfd, then you will have to use POSIX timers to generate signals and wait for the signal to arrive to indicate the start of the next period. This causes problems because signals are sent to the process not the thread. If you have several periodic threads, and therefore several timers, in a process each one must use a different signal to tell them apart. The obvious signals to use are the real time signals from SIGRTMIN (33) to SIGRTMAX (64), so you cannot have more than 32 timers per process. Note per process: it is perfectly acceptable to have 32 other timers in another process.

The way to wait for a signal to arrive is to block it and then call sigwait(). Here is another complication: although signals are sent to the parent process, each thread has its own signal mask. I will write another article on the reasons it is done this way, but in this case it has the implication that all the real time signals must be blocked before creating any threads so that they all inherit the same mask. Doing it any other way risks the race condition where the signal is delivered before all threads have blocked it, resulting in the process being killed.

You can detect missed timer events using the function timer_getoverrun (), which returns zero if none were missed. Here is the code:

struct periodic_info
	int sig;
	sigset_t alarm_sig;
	int wakeups_missed;

static int make_periodic (int unsigned period, struct periodic_info *info)
	static int next_sig;
	int ret;
	unsigned int ns;
	unsigned int sec;
	struct sigevent sigev;
	timer_t timer_id;
	struct itimerspec itval;

	/* Initialise next_sig first time through. We can't use static
	   initialisation because SIGRTMIN is a function call, not a constant */
	if (next_sig == 0)
		next_sig = SIGRTMIN;
	/* Check that we have not run out of signals */
	if (next_sig > SIGRTMAX)
		return -1;
	info->sig = next_sig;

	info->wakeups_missed = 0;

	/* Create the signal mask that will be used in wait_period */
	sigemptyset (&(info->alarm_sig));
	sigaddset (&(info->alarm_sig), info->sig);

	/* Create a timer that will generate the signal we have chosen */
	sigev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
	sigev.sigev_signo = info->sig;
	sigev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = (void *) &timer_id;
	ret = timer_create (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sigev, &timer_id);
	if (ret == -1)
		return ret;

	/* Make the timer periodic */
	sec = period/1000000;
	ns = (period - (sec * 1000000)) * 1000;
	itval.it_interval.tv_sec = sec;
	itval.it_interval.tv_nsec = ns;
	itval.it_value.tv_sec = sec;
	itval.it_value.tv_nsec = ns;
	ret = timer_settime (timer_id, 0, &itval, NULL);
	return ret;

static void wait_period (struct periodic_info *info)
	int sig;
	sigwait (&(info->alarm_sig), &sig);
        info->wakeups_missed += timer_getoverrun (info->timer_id);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	sigset_t alarm_sig;
	int i;

	/* Block all real time signals so they can be used for the timers.
	   Note: this has to be done in main() before any threads are created
	   so they all inherit the same mask. Doing it later is subject to
	   race conditions */
	sigemptyset (&alarm_sig);
	for (i = SIGRTMIN; i <= SIGRTMAX; i++)
		sigaddset (&alarm_sig, i);
	sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &alarm_sig, NULL);

Using setitimer

This ONLY works if you are using uClibc. Actually the real determinant is that you are using the Linux Threads library rather than the Native POSIX Threads Library. With very few exceptions, uClibc uses Linux Threads, glibc uses NPTL.

Using setitimer is somewhat similar to POSIX clocks except that it is hard coded to deliver a SIGALRM at the end of each period. Using NPTL that means that you can only have one periodic task per process, but with Linux Threads each thread IS a process so that is fine: you can have as many periodic threads as you like.

Setitimer is part of the base POSIX specification and has been present in Linux since the year dot. The time out is passed in a struct itimerval which contains an initial time out, it_value, and a periodic time out in it_interval which is reloaded into it_value every time it expires. At each expiry it sends a SIGALRM. The times are given in microseconds which will be rounded up the the granularity of your timers if they are greater than 1 us. The best way to handle the signal is to block it and then wait for the next one with sigwait() as shown below. There is no easy way to detect missed timer events.

Here is the code:

struct periodic_info
	sigset_t alarm_sig;

static int make_periodic (unsigned int period, struct periodic_info *info)
	int ret;
	struct itimerval value;

	/* Block SIGALRM in this thread */
	sigemptyset (&(info->alarm_sig));
	sigaddset (&(info->alarm_sig), SIGALRM);
	pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &(info->alarm_sig), NULL);

	/* Set the timer to go off after the first period and then
	   repetitively */
	value.it_value.tv_sec = period/1000000;
	value.it_value.tv_usec = period%1000000;
	value.it_interval.tv_sec = period/1000000;
	value.it_interval.tv_usec = period%1000000;
	ret = setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &value, NULL);
	if (ret != 0)
		perror ("Failed to set timer");
	return ret;

static void wait_period (struct periodic_info *info)
	int sig;

	/* Wait for the next SIGALRM */
	sigwait (&(info->alarm_sig), &sig);


The accuracy of the timers will depend on the your kernel and scheduling policy and priority you use for the threads. By default all time-outs will be rounded up to the nearest 10 ms (actually 1/HZ, but in most cases HZ = 100). If your board support package supports High Resolution Timers (most do) enabling CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS will give you accuracy to a few microseconds. Periodic threads are almost by definition real-time, so you probably want to give them a real-time policy such as SCHED_FIFO (in a follow-up article I will look into the implications of real-time periodic threads). Finally, if you want to reduce jitter to sub millisecond, you should enable kernel pre-emption (CONFIG_PREEMPT) or for jitter in the 10's to 100's microsecond region you should apply the PREEMPT_RT patch [2].

The code samples are on GitHub, at https://github.com/csimmonds/periodic-threads.

These and other topics related to writing robust applications for embedded Linux are covered in my training class, System programming for embedded Linux,
and in my book Mastering Embedded Linux Programming


[1] RTAI: the Real Time Application Interface, https://www.rtai.org/

[2] The PREEMPT_RT real time patch series, http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/